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Are Polaris RZR Street Legal?

Are Polaris RZR Street Legal?

It’d be pretty cool to own a Polaris RZR, right?

So, are Polaris RZR street legal? The answer is yes, and no. They’re illegal, but you can modify some things to make them street legal. This includes the mirrors, safety lights, front windshield, and a couple of things more.

There’s also the registration, which you’ll need to get if you want to ride your RZR in the street without getting pulled over.

Let’s see in detail the truth behind the RZR’s legality.

8 Things That’ll Make Your Polaris RZR Street Legal

The Polaris RZR already comes with most of the things required for street legality. You’d think the headlights, seatbelts, and brake lights are enough, but they’re not. At least for some states, every state has its own laws regarding this matter, but we’ll discuss this later below.

Here are eight things that you need to make your Polaris RZR legal.


According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, any vehicle that gets on the road needs to have two side-view mirrors. If you want to freely ride your RZR, you’ll need to install the mirrors on both sides. In addition to that, you’ll have to get the back-view mirror above the driver’s seat.

These mirrors won’t only make your mission easier in legalizing the vehicle, but they’ll also protect you and help you drive better.


A lot of states demand insurance for RZR street legalization. Even if the government doesn’t require it, the state parks may do. Not to mention that any accident will cost you loads of money if the vehicle isn’t insured. So, this means you should get it either way. It’s even better to insure your vehicle before you register it for use on roads.

Front Windshield

You’d think the front windshield is a simple item that’s not mandatory to have, but you’d be surprised to find out that three different organizations in the US demand it. The DOT, NHTSA, and ANSI all require a windshield to legalize a vehicle.

Moreover, you can’t get half a windshield. Only a full one will let your drive the RZR.


The Polaris RZR has off-roading tires. As cool as they are, they don’t meet DOT’s standards, which means they’re not legal to use. The tires issue isn’t hard to solve. You can buy tires that got the DOT’s approval and get going.

Safety Lights

Your RZR already comes with safety lights, but they need to be perfect for street legalization. The lights need to be powerful enough to illuminate up to 500 ft in front of you. This regulation is mainly because of the RZR’s high speed.

On top of that, your tail lights need to be visible from another 500 ft behind. Your brake lights also have to be bright enough for anyone behind you to see them.

If your safety lights don’t fulfill these requirements, you’re at risk of staying illegal. I recommend getting lights that have approval from the US Department of Transportation. They’ll make your mission easier.


The bumpers and horn are two of the most critical things you need to get for legalizing an RZR. The bumpers will protect you in the unfortunate cases of an accident. As for the horn, it’s a tool you should use for warning people. It’s equally important as the bumpers.

Before installing the bumpers and horn, make sure you’re covering all the requirements for the state you’re living in. There are minor regulations that differ from state to state, and they can make all the difference.


If you want your Polaris RZR to ever see the road, you need to get it registered. That’s a common demand between states. It’s a simple law; if you want to ride your RZR on public roads, it needs to have a registration and a license plate. Otherwise, it won’t go further than the garage walls.

In New Jersey, for example, you need to register the RZR and renew it every year.

License Plate

I know the license plate is already an essential part of the registration, so you’ll need to get it anyways. However, only getting it won’t do it. You’ll also have to mount it on the RZR’s front, or they won’t let you drive it. It’s the same as cars.

Different States, Different Laws!

The USA seems like one country, but don’t let the geographic distribution trick you! The laws here are different from every state to the other. In the case of UTVs state laws, some states have specific requirements for street legalizing.

For starters, if you own a UTV in Tennessee, you’ll only be able to drive it up to 35 mph. Meanwhile, the rules in Washington and Nevada are a bit more flexible. You can ride your UTV up to 45 mph.

In Arizona, you need to install a horn whose sound resonates to 250 ft. away. As for Florida, you can ride with only one mirror instead of three. The rules are different in Michigan, where you must have windshield wipers and washers.

Some states don’t allow UTVs except for specific uses. For example, Hawaii demands that you use the vehicle as farm equipment. And Kansas only allows it for ice fishing. As for Wisconsin, it only allows a UTV for agricultural purposes.

Final Thoughts

If you’re living in one of the states that put restricting laws for UTVs, you’ll have a lot of work to do to legalize your RZR. However, driving the cool vehicle across the town is totally worth it!

Besides, your luck may turn out good if you’re living in a state with flexible laws. You may only need to install a mirror and a couple of bumpers.

I recommend getting the eight things that I previously mentioned to be on the safe side. You’ll be covered for most states with these. Plus, they’ll provide your own safety while driving.