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Are Septic Tank Filters Necessary?

Are Septic Tank Filters Necessary?

When it comes to septic tank design and usage, several factors come into play. These systems can be complex, especially if you’re attempting to handle a rather dense population.

The size and scope of your installation also play a role in how you manage things. To that end, several questions must be addressed when you’re working with septic tanks. Their related filters are also important to ensure they function properly.

Are septic tank filters necessary? If so, what do they do and how many do you need? Let’s take a look at things further to see if we can answer those questions for you!

What Is a Septic Tank Filter?

The main function of a septic tank filter is to clean the water that flows through your septic tank so that it can be safely released back into the environment. This can help reduce the chance of the water quality in your area being adversely affected by your use of a septic tank.

Septic tank filters typically use sand, anthracite, or another porous substance as this allows for a good degree of filtration.

If your septic system isn’t equipped with a septic tank filter, then the water flowing through your septic system will be dirty leading to local water pollution. In such cases, a septic tank filter reduces solids in the water flowing through the septic system. A septic tank filter also enhances the performance of the septic system.

How Does a Septic Tank Filter Work?

Generally speaking, septic tank filters work by using filter media that’s designed to remove the majority of the solid materials present in the water. These media are then cleaned regularly to ensure effectiveness.

The easiest way to clean a septic tank filter is to use a backwash. This is where you reverse the flow of water through the filter. This enables you to clean out the filter while also retaining the key media used in the filtration process.

Once the cleaning process is complete, the water flows through the septic tank filter again, and it’ll be clean enough to be released into the environment. It’s important to note that septic tank filters aren’t designed to remove things like pathogens or other microorganisms from the water.

Why Are Septic Tank Filters Necessary?

Septic tank filters are necessary for a variety of reasons.

  1. Septic tank filters help to ensure that the water in your septic system is clean enough to be released back into the environment without causing any harm whatsoever.
  2. They may also be used to regulate the amount of water that flows through your septic system at any given time.
  3. Septic tank filters keep unwanted sludge out of the septic tank. If sludge builds up in your septic tank, it can become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. It may even affect the structural integrity of your house.
  4. The filters entrap any solid particles behind their sieves. As a result, they help to reduce the amount of time it takes for your septic system to process, as well as reduce overall maintenance requirements.

How Many Septic Tank Filters Are Needed?

It’s important to note that there is no standard rule of thumb when it comes to determining how many septic tank filters your septic system requires. This depends largely upon the size and water volume expected to be processed at any given time.

This can vary from system to system. One installation may require multiple septic tank filters while another system may be able to get by with just a single filter.

That said, many modern septic systems come equipped with two or even three septic tank filters. This allows you to spread the volume of water across several filters, reducing the load on each septic tank filter.

How Can You Tell if You Need a New Septic Tank Filter?

If your septic tank filter is clogged and not doing its job properly, then you may need to replace it. The easiest way to tell if this is the case is if your septic system is taking a long time to finish processing.

If the water isn’t being effectively cleaned, it’ll take significantly longer for your septic system to finish doing its job. Your septic tank filter may also emit an unusual odor whenever it gets clogged. This can be an indication that your septic tank filter needs to be replaced immediately.

If you notice either of these things, it’s highly recommended that you replace your septic tank filter as soon as possible. Otherwise, the effectiveness of your septic system may be reduced for an extended period.

What to Look for When Purchasing a New Septic Tank Filter?

The first thing you’ll want to do when shopping for a new septic tank filter is to determine the best size for your system. This helps you to identify the type of media to be used and the total amount of space available for filtration.

You’ll also want to determine if the septic tank filter you’re interested in purchasing is compatible with your septic system. If it isn’t, then it won’t work properly and you’ll need to find an alternative.

Regardless of the type of septic tank filter you choose, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and cleaning instructions. This helps to ensure that your new septic tank filter lasts for as long as possible.


Are septic tank filters necessary? We’ve seen that there are several reasons why they are. It’s critical to ensure that the water in your septic system is clean enough to be released back into the environment.

Septic tank filters also help reduce the amount of water that flows through your septic system. A septic system filter’s size and volume of water processed don’t follow a standard rule for determining how many septic tank filters a septic system needs.

You can use several septic tank filters to split the volume of water into several filters, which reduces the pressure on each filter. This helps prolong the lifespan of your septic system.