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How to Winterize a Jet Ski in 10 Easy Steps

How to Winterize a Jet Ski in 10 Easy Steps

Riding jet skis is one of the most fun things you can do during your summer vacation.

If you own a jet ski, you need to take care of it during the months when you’re not using it. This is called ‘winterizing’ a jet ski.

Winterizing a jet ski protects it from damage and operating failures.

Let’s dive in and learn how to winterize a jet ski.

What does ‘winterize’ mean?

This is a process where you drain, clean, lubricate, and store the jet ski at the end of the summer.

It helps keep it well-maintained during the cold months in preparation for the following summer months.

The 10-Step Process to Winterizing a Jet Ski

Follow these simple steps to winterize your jet ski properly.

Step 1: Removing the Jet Ski from the Water

Once you’ve taken your final summer ride on your jet ski, it’s time to take it out of the water. Attach the trailer to the back of your car. Back up the car until the trailer is fully submerged in the water.

Now it’s time to drive the jet ski up onto the trailer. Once it’s fully loaded, tie it down to the trailer for added security.

Drive the vehicle forward and out of the water.

Step 2: Draining the Jet Ski

Place the jet ski in the correct positioning for proper drainage. The front (bow) needs to be at a higher level than the rear (stern).

Keep turning the engine on and off in short, quick bursts of two or three seconds each.

Repeat this for a full 30 seconds, then rest the engine for a couple of minutes. This helps cool the engine down to keep it from overheating.

Try repeating this step two more times. After the third time, there should be no more water coming out of the jet ski.

You should also drain the fuel and motor oil.

Step 3: Filling it with an Antifreeze/Water Mixture

In a bucket, mix 1 gallon of water and 1 gallon of RV antifreeze, which is more eco-friendly than other types. It’s also better for your jet ski than regular automotive antifreeze.

Use a hose or a water pump. Keep one end submerged in the antifreeze/water mixture, and the other end in the flush outlet.

Turn on the jet ski engine. Once the entire mixture has passed through the exhaust system, turn it off.

Step 4: Cleaning the Jet Ski

Fill a second bucket with warm water and some car safe washing liquid. Avoid using hand soap or dishwashing or detergent liquids.

Wipe down the outside of the jet ski. Make sure you use a scratch-free cloth.

Don’t forget the bottom of the jet ski. That’s where you’ll find slime and algae that have accumulated.

Step 5: Rinsing and Drying the Jet Ski

After you’ve wiped down the outside of the jet ski, it’s time to rinse it with clean water. You can either fill a bucket with water and dump it onto the jet ski. Or you can simply use a hose to rinse it off.

Leave it to completely air dry.

Step 6: Waxing the Jet Ski

This step is optional. But it goes a long way in keeping your jet ski well-protected from the elements during the colder months.

You can use a high-shine protectant wash and wax formula. It’ll give the jet ski a nice buff and shine.

Step 7: Protecting the Jet Ski from the Inside

The next step is to get a fuel stabilizer. Read the instructions and add it to the gas tank accordingly.

Fuel stabilizers help prevent residue build-up. A fuel stabilizer is also a great way to protect the jet ski carburetor from contamination while it’s in storage.

Following the fuel stabilizer, fill the tank with premium gas to protect the gas tank from condensation.

Step 8: Lubricating the Jet Ski

Your jet ski has been through a lot during the summer months. It’s held up pretty nicely without letting you down, and you want it to stay that way.

The best way to keep your jet ski in perfect condition is to spray the jet ski with a lubricating agent. Find the spots that rotate and turn the most, and focus on those.

Other areas that should be lubricated are the brake and reverse mechanisms.

Don’t forget to lubricate all electrical components, as well as the engine. This helps get rid of any moisture that could ruin them in the long run. Don’t forget to lubricate the steering nozzle pivot points as well.

Step 9: Removing the Battery

There are several things you have to do before you put your jet ski into storage for the winter.

The first is to remove the battery. Start by disconnecting the negative terminal, followed by the positive side.

This is the best time to recharge the jet ski battery. Find a secure place where you can attach it to an automatic battery charger. Make sure it’s somewhere away from extreme temperatures or anything flammable.

Step 10: Storing the Jet Ski

The best option is to store your jet ski on its trailer and cover them with a tarp or any type of waterproof covering. Next, plug air intakes and exhaust outlets with rags to keep rodents from getting into the jet ski.

If you have space, you can store it in your garage. If you don’t, you have two options. You can simply keep it outside, which isn’t the ideal option.

You can also rent a storage space and keep your jet ski there during the cold winter months.

Don’t forget to take off the tires from the trailer. You can put blocks of wood in their place to help prevent corrosion and dry rotting.

The Takeaway

It’s easy to get ready for the harsh winter months when you know how to winterize a jet ski.

Proper storage can prevent your jet ski from internal damage. It can also ensure that your jet ski will perform up to its capabilities.

It’s the best way to get the most out of every ride in the upcoming summer season.