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The 4 Best Jeep License Plate Ideas to Spice Up Your Ride

The 4 Best Jeep License Plate Ideas to Spice Up Your Ride

One of the few things cooler than getting your own jeep is getting a personalized license plate for it. However, it can be hard to find creative, one-of-a-kind license plate ideas.

In this article, we’re going to give you some of the best jeep license plate ideas so that you can be the coolest in town!

The 4 Top License Plate Ideas for Your Jeep

What makes personalized license plates so unique is that there are a variety of ways you can do them. Well, here are some of the best license plate ideas:

Your Name

A license plate with a name on it gives off some famous-person vibes. Personally, when I see someone’s name on a license plate, I think, “They must be famous.”

Writing your name on a license plate is also as personalized as a license plate can get. It’ll be an excellent way for your friends to recognize your jeep easily.

The name you write on the license plate can be your first name, second name, or last name, whichever you like to go by. It can also be your initials.

Your Nickname

Your nickname is quite personal and would go nicely on a license plate. It’ll be another cool identifier for your jeep.

I prefer writing my nickname on a license plate over writing my name because it gives me more privacy. If, like me, you get uncomfortable walking around with strangers knowing your name, writing your nickname on your license plate will be a little better.

Your Birthdate

Many people like to write their birthdate everywhere, including their license plate. In general, numbers are not that easy to remember, and it’s not much likely that you’d find another license plate with the same number sequence as yours.

The nice thing about using your birthdate instead of just any random numbers is that you’ll be able to memorize it quickly, as opposed to others. So, if you like to lay low and use numbers on your license plate, your birthdate will do.

You can also integrate between your birthdate and your name or nickname. That’ll make your license plate really unique; what are the chances of finding someone with all the same information written on their license plate?

Catchy Phrases

License plates with catchy phrases are so common. These phrases can be something funny or something inspiring. They can also be short quotes from movies you like or the name of your favorite movie, band, etc.

Moreover, people love getting license plates with phrases showing their support for a social cause or a sports team.

Your phrase must be short and concise, though. If it’s a long-phrase, you can use its initials. However, you can only do this with famous phrases; otherwise, people won’t understand its acronyms.

Frequently Asked Questions

To complete your knowledge about personalized license plates before getting one, here are some FAQs you may need to know the answers to:

What Are The Rules for Personalized License Plates?

The number range of characters that can be used on a regular-issue license plate is from five to seven, depending on the size of the vehicle. Since jeeps are big, the maximum number of characters will be seven.

You should know as well that not any license plate you suggest will be accepted. The Washington State Department of Licensing (DOL) has a list of phrases that are banned from being used on a license plate, which includes swearing words and offensive messages, as well as racial and ethnic notes.

Some people are pretty sly, and they send some of these banned messages using acronyms and letter combinations the system still hasn’t recognized as offensive. However, if two people complain about your license plate, the government will include those combinations in the system, and your license plate won’t be accepted when you try to renew it next year.

What Are the Characters You Can Use on a License Plate?

You can use letters, numbers, spaces, and hyphens only. You can also choose to change your license plate’s background and include any objects you want, like animals. This will go nicely on your plate if you can match between the object and whichever phrase you’re using.

Note that you can’t use any offensive objects as well.

How Do I Check If My License Plate Is Valid?

You can make sure about the validity of the license plate you’ve chosen on the DOL website using this link.

Bear in mind that your license plate might get rejected, though it doesn’t contain any offensive messages. This might be because the code you’re using is already taken. Another way to check your code’s availability is by typing the state of your residency+DMV on Google.

Another thing you should know is that the DOL website is updated regularly. This means that some slangs are added to the banned list while others are removed from it yearly. Thus, if your license plate has been rejected once for being inappropriate without a good enough reason, you can check again later.

Are There Ready-Made Personalized License Plates?

If you’ve run out of ideas for your personalized license plates, DOL helps you out with that. It offers ready-made special designs for personalized license plates. By using one of these designs, you only need to change the phrase.

You can check them out here.

How Much Does a Personalized Jeep License Plate Cost?

The price for personalized license plates for all passenger vehicles is $89.25 with a standard background. If you’d like one with a special design, it’ll cost $129.25. You’ll have to renew your license plate yearly for $42.


Personalizing your jeep license plate will make it all the more special. Choose your favorite idea and start working on it. If you don’t mind the extra price, change the background to add a theme to your license plate.

The most important thing is to make sure your personalized license plate speaks to you and expresses who you are to people.