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How Much Does Truck Camper Insurance Cost?

How Much Does Truck Camper Insurance Cost?

Truck campers are the most economical type of RVs on the market. They’re mounted on top of a pick-up truck’s bed and they’re considered as cargo extensions in most states, which means you don’t have to pay the RV registration and license fees.

What’s more, truck campers have much better fuel economy than regular RVs!

You may be looking to have your truck camper insured so you can enjoy a stress-free camping experience. The cost of insuring a truck camper depends on multiple factors that we’ll cover in this article, so stick around.

Do You Need Insurance Covering for Your Camper?

Insuring anything of value alleviates a lot of stress. When you invest a lot of money into something, it’s more comforting to know that you can be compensated in the possibility of a mishap.

Even though no state obliges you to have insurance for your truck camper, there are cases where you will greatly benefit from truck camper insurance, including:

  1. Vandalism
  2. Accidents
  3. Fires
  4. Theft
  5. Intense weather conditions
  6. Hitting an object or an animal

Truck Camper Insurance Cost and Options

Depending on the level of compensation you want to enjoy, your truck camper insurance cost will vary.

Let us take you through the different types of coverage offered by most insurance companies.

Total Loss Replacement

If your truck is completely totaled in an accident, a total loss replacement plan would help cover the value of your camper.

Insurance companies will usually give you back an amount that corresponds to how much the same camper model costs in the market today.

If your camper model isn’t being sold on the market anymore, insurance companies will offer several compensations that would help you secure a later model.

Roadside Assistance

Since a truck camper’s life is full of off-roading and fun adventures, chances of needing some assistance on the road are high.

Insurance companies offer roadside assistance plans that cover you in case you need towing, have a flat tire, have a dead battery, or are stuck in snow, mud, or sand.

Personal Belongings Theft

A personal belongings theft plan enables you to choose a limit on how much you want as compensation in case of a breaking-and-entering, or if any of your belongings are damaged.

This may be inclusive of items outside of your camper as well.

Measures That Will Keep Your Truck Camper Safe

Here are a few valuable measures that will lower the chances of any mishap:

  1. Always fully lock your camper and truck when you’re not using them. Even if you’re just leaving to buy groceries quickly.
  2. Attach wheel clamps when camping for a long period. These will fixate your truck to the ground and will discourage thieves.

Can Your Existing Truck Insurance Cover Your Camper?

It makes sense to add your camper to your existing truck insurance, but while some insurers will allow and recognize campers as a part of your truck, others will advise that you get a separate policy for your camper.

Depending on different insurers, you may get better benefits for the same cost when having a separate policy for your camper.

Factors Affecting Your Truck Camper Insurance Cost

Some factors affect how much you pay for insurance on your truck camper. These factors can be related to you or your camper, as we’ll discuss below:

1. Your Camper Model

The age, model and make of your camper matter. Newer campers usually cost less.

2. How Much Coverage You Choose

Full coverage will cost more than partial coverage.

3. Your Deductibles

This is an amount of money that you have to pay initially for your insurer to step in and pay the rest of the amount. You usually choose this at the beginning of your plan.

Generally, setting a higher deductible for your plan means that you’ll have to pay less for your policy.

4. Your Driving History

Some insurers will look into your insurance history and may decide to charge you more if you’ve had multiple claims in the past.

5. Your Age and Gender

Older, more experienced drivers may be charged less than younger drivers.

6. Your Insurance Limit

The insurance limit is the maximum amount of compensation your insurer will give you. The larger the limit, the more costly your insurance plan will be.

Average Truck Camper Insurance Cost

Since many factors affect your truck camper insurance cost, it’s impossible to give you an exact figure. However, some averages and ranges are common between current truck camper owners.

The price of insurance may range from 75 dollars per year, all the way up to 250 dollars. You may find lower or higher plans.

What Your Truck Camper Insurance Won’t Cover

Your truck camper insurance won’t cover any liability damage. This basically means that, while you’re driving your truck camper, if you cause damage to another party, your insurance won’t step in to compensate the other person for the losses they suffered. This includes both bodily injury and damage liability.

Tips When Choosing Your Insurance Policy

When getting quotes from different insurers, you should bear things in your mind before opting for an insurance plan. You can contact an independent agent in your area to get an idea of how much different policies cost.

For better judgment, you may choose to contact several agents in your area. This will give you a better idea of the options available, which will lead to better choices.

You also need to be aware of the following aspects before requesting a quote from a dealer:

1. Value of Your Camper in the Market

If your camper is an older model, you should know how much your camper is worth, and you should also know how much newer models cost. These numbers will affect your insurance cost and will help you decide how much you want to pay annually.

2. The frequency at Which You Use Your Truck Camper

If you’re always hitting the road and looking for new adventures, you may want to pay more for your insurance plan since the chances of a mishap are larger. However, if you use your truck camper every once in a while and safely store it in between usages, you may choose a lower costing plan.

3. Increasing Your Deductibles for a Lower Price

Some people may never need to use their insurance, which is considered a good thing. If you’re a safe driver and take a lot of precautions to keep your truck camper safe, you may choose to pay a larger deductible in case of a mishap. This will automatically lower the amount you pay annually.

Final Words

Your truck camper is always exposed to rough conditions as you go on your adventures, which makes truck camper insurance of great importance.

That being said, you need to opt for a suitable and affordable insurance plan before you hit the road with your truck camper.

To find the perfect insurance plan for your truck camper, you need to carefully consider the few factors we listed above. You also need to consult with different insurance agents and dealers to broaden your perspective.

Stay safe!