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Can You Put Makeup On After a Spray Tan? (How Long)

Can You Put Makeup On After a Spray Tan? (How Long)

For many, makeup is an essential part of their morning beauty routine. There are those who can’t leave their homes without voluminous lashes or expressive lips.

The perfect complement to this daily beauty routine is getting an occasional spray tan to keep your skin glowing. But this raises several concerns. Does wearing makeup go hand in hand with spray tanning?

Is it okay to wear makeup to a spray tan session? More importantly, can you put makeup on after a spray tan? In this post, we’ve provided detailed answers to these questions, and a few more tips on spray tanning.

What Is a Spray Tan?

We’ll start with the basics. Spray tanning is a type of self-tanning whereby your body is sprayed using a fine mist. As Mayo Clinic explains, the majority of sunless tanning products contain a key compound known as dihydroxyacetone (DHA).

It is the interaction between this ingredient and the dead cells on your skin’s surface that causes your skin to darken. However, this form of coloring is short-lived, typically wearing off after a couple of days.

According to the FDA, spray tanning is considered safe. This organization approves the external application of the DHA ingredient on one’s skin for a coloring effect.

What is considered harmful, is the ingestion of DHA. The application of this compound on parts covered by mucous membranes is also regarded as dangerous. By this, we’re referring to parts such as the nose, lips, and the area around the eyes.

Can You Wear Makeup to a Spray Tan?

The simple answer to this is No. If you have a spray tanning session scheduled, don’t wear makeup, especially if you plan on tanning your face.

Here’s the deal: the make-up products will create a barrier, preventing the tanning agent from doing what it should. As a result, you’ll end up with a patchy finish on some or all of your facial areas.

Instead, you should remove any make-up that you have on- foundation, blusher, concealer, eyeliner among others. By cleaning your skin, you’ll ensure that the tanning agent generates a uniform and balanced tan.

Besides, your tanning artist will also appreciate having a clean base to work with.

Can You Put Makeup On After a Spray Tan?

Yes, you can wear makeup after spray tanning. In fact, putting on makeup after a tan boosts the appearance or glow of your skin.

But, since your skin will be more tanned than usual, you should take precautions. As we’ll explain next, you’ll have to alter a few things in your makeup regimen.

How Long After Spray Tanning Can You Apply Makeup?

It’s advisable to wait at least 2 to 4 hours before applying makeup over a tan, and the tanning process can continue for 24 to 72 hours. According to The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, wearing makeup too soon can cause your developing tan to appear patchy.

It’s also recommended that you avoid getting your face wet. Doing so prevents the tan from developing altogether. If you’re incredibly worried that your tan won’t develop properly, you can wait much longer than this.

Can You Use a Makeup Remover After a Spray Tan?

Another concern that first-time tanners ask is whether it’s okay to use a makeup remover after spray tanning. The simple answer to this is Yes.

As long as you allowed the tanning product adequate time to set in, you shouldn’t encounter any problems in using a makeup remover.

Essentially, the tanning process has already taken place so the makeup remover will only get rid of the makeup on the topmost layer of your skin. We recommend the Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes, which remove makeup without irritating your skin.

The Best Makeup Application Tips After a Spray Tan

When applying makeup after a spray tan, first:

Use Powder Makeups

If you apply makeup often, chances are that you use liquid-based products. They’re easier to apply, great at concealing fine lines and they produce a glossy finish. But after spray tanning, you’ll want to steer clear of any liquid-based makeup.

This is because they disturb the composition of tanning agents, resulting in unpleasant patches of rough skin. If you have to apply makeup, be sure to use powder-based products.

Another option is to avoid applying foundation and bb creams altogether. Some individuals find it unnecessary to wear foundation after self-tanning. For them, makeup products like mascara and eyeliner are enough to accentuate their tan.

Be Patient

If you’re in a hurry to apply makeup and can’t wait for the recommended 3 hours, then try waiting for at least one hour. This gives the tanning agent enough time to set in.

Match the Foundation to Your New Skin Tone

Even though it’s okay to apply foundation after spray tanning, you can’t apply just any product. Look for a foundation that matches your new skin tone. Alternatively, you can combine your current foundation with one that’s darker.

Choose Eye Makeup Products Wisely

You should also be careful when picking the mascara and eyeliner to apply after a spray tan. We recommend going for darker shades that will make your eyes look sharper and polished.

Another tip is to apply the mascara on both your upper and lower lashes.

However, when it comes to eyeshadow, it’s better to tone it down a notch by applying just a small amount.

Instead of focusing on quantity, pay attention to the shade or color of eyeshadow. Sparkly hues, neutrals, and nudes work better following a spray tanning session.

Wrap Up

Can you put makeup on after a spray tan? Sure, on most occasions! Wearing makeup shouldn’t have negative effects. However, practice caution, as with anything else.

The main condition is that you wait between 2 and 4 hours before applying the makeup. This allows the tanning agent ample time to set in. It also prevents your makeup products from diluting the effects of the tanning agent.

Secondly, be more careful when picking your makeup products. And here’s one last pro tip: For the foundation, ensure that it matches the tone of your tanned skin.

It should also be powder-based as opposed to liquid foundations. When it comes to the mascara and eyeliner, darker shades are the best to accentuate your look.